Frequently asked questions - FAQ
Frequently asked questions (21)
13. How does the website works ?
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
- This section is intended to give you a description of how the website works
- For those who are already registered you must log in on the LOG IN page which you can find either by « clicking » on the previous link or by « clicking » on the word « LOG IN » written at the top of all pages of the site.
-Fill in the fields correctly :
-Password If you don’t remeber your login information, you will have the option to « click » on the link below « Forgot your password ? » You will be asked to enter the email address you used to register. Then « click » on « Send Reset Link ». Login to your personal registration email address to receive a temporary link to reset your password. For those who are not registered yet, you must be registered on the REGISTRATION page in order to take advantage of the great deals offered by Ventanou.
-Once on the page, you must correctly fill in the required fields and indicate your civilities.
- Last Name:
- First Name:
- Email:
- Date of Birth:
- Password:
-If you wish to receive all the special offers proposed by our islands and our partners, please check the box « Receive offers from our partners » : if your leave the box unchecked, your details will not be transmitted. You can nevertheless unsubscribe from our mailing lists at any time by unchecking the box « Receive offers from our partners ».
-If you wish to receive news from Ventanou, please check the box « Receive our newsletter ». If you leave the box unchecked, your email address will be desactivated from our mailing list. However, you can unsubscribe from our mailing lists at any time by unchecking the « Receive our newsletter » box.
Once the fields are correctly filled in, click on « REGISTER » to validate your inscription.
You will then receive in the mailbox you provided, the validation link on which you must click to validate your registration
-Once registered, you will have the possibility to change your personnal informations by clicking on the small Avatar ican at the top of the page next to the shopping cart.
- Your administration interface includes 8 spaces that group all your personal data.
In the tab - information:
- You will be able to change your password, which you will be asked to confirm at another time. *This information is only visible to you. At no time will Ventanou or its third parties, have access to this account information. - You will be able to update your account information, email address,
- Subscribe or unsubscribe to Ventanou mailing lists by checking or unchecking the dedicated box on the side.
- Subscribe or unsubscribe to the Ventanou Partners mailing lists by checking or unchecking the dedicated box on the side. In order for the information to be taken into account, you will need to "click" on the "Save Information" button below.
-Once "clicked" on the button, a green confirmation message "Information successfully updated" will appear on the page.
In the tab- Credit files :
This area groups the "Credit Memos".
In the tab - Newsletter Pro Settings:
You can define your newsletter subscription preferences.
In the tab - New Address : This space will allow you to save and/or modify your contact, business, address, phone, country information. You can also add additional information. This information will be included on your "vouchers" to ensure the delivery of your items to the address indicated.
In the tab - Coupons :
This space groups the "Coupons".
In the tab - Cookie Preferences :
From this area you can choose to "Manage your cookie preferences. Either accept or reject them. Some features of this site (sharing content on social networks, direct playback of videos) rely on services offered by third-party sites. These features deposit cookies allowing these sites to track your browsing. These cookies are deposited only if you give your consent. You can find out about the nature of the cookies deposited, accept or refuse them either globally for the whole site and all the services, or service by service.
In the tab - Order History :
This space gathers all the orders that you have placed via your account.
In the tab - Return of goods : This space groups the "Merchandise Returns" that you would have requested. You can log out of the site by "clicking" on the "Logout" link on the left of the window. If you wish to delete your account, please send us an email at We will delete your account within 5 business days.
- You can return to the home page at any time by clicking on the ventanou logo at the top of any page on the site.
- You can contact us by clicking on the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page. For all contacts, please fill in the fields correctly as requested, insert your message and "click" on "SEND MESSAGE".
- It is possible to return to the categories at any time by clicking on the link "CATEGORIES" at the top of every page of the site.
- By "clicking" on the drop-down field, you can either change territory or navigate between all the categories of the site. You can return to the home page at any time by clicking on the Ventanou logo.
- You can make the drop-down menu disappear by "clicking" on "CLOSE" next to the cross.
-How to order on Ventanou ?
1 - Go to the offer you are interested in and do "Add to cart";
2 - Confirm the quantity and fill in the form below;
3 - Place your order and "Proceed to checkout".
If it's your first purchase choose the form "New customer" and delivery address and fill in the fields in red If you have already purchased on Ventanou choose the "Already registered" form and fill in your e-mail address and password. Click on "Login".
- You have the possibility to add an address different from your usual address (during your holiday for example).
- You have the possibility to add a billing address different from your personal address.
- You can add a comment to your order (example: Gift certificate or from).
Choose your method of payment by secure credit card).and Click at the bottom of the page on "I have read the general conditions of sale and I fully agree to them ".
Click on the green "Place Order" button.
- You will then be redirected to the secure bank payment platform (3D SECURE security system).
Once the payment information is done you will receive an SMS with a unique code from your bank. You will then have to fill in the information received in order to "validate" the order.
Once the bank has given its approval, you will receive an email in your personal mailbox stating your purchase. In this email you will find the coupon with the Provider's contact information and the unique verification code assigned to it. If you do not find the email with the coupon, check your SPAM folder in your mailbox.
12. Définition.
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
A part of the mentioned terms in this Contract has been defined in a specific manner. You will recognize a defined term if it starts with a capital letter. You will find their definition below : « Account » means your World Service Company Account.
« Resposibility » means the liability in the course of any litigation, regardless of the cause, whether it results from a breach of contract, tort, false declaration, restitution action or any other reason, that relates to, that would arise from, or which would be related to this Contract (including any liabiity expressly provided for in this Contract or that would be related to this Contract). Futhermore, for the purposes of this definition, any reference to the term « Contract » shall be deemed to include any ancillary contract.
« Seller » term means a seller of products for which a Voucher can be used. This term does not mean intermediaries, neither World Service Company . The « Site » term means the website, mobile applications, communications or electronic services, social networking sites, or other individual internet sites, which are dedicated to Sellers, business partners, to a city or others that contain a link to or reference to these Terms of Use.
The « register » term means to create an Account on the Site, and the term « registration » refers to the action of creating an Account. The « services » term refers to all or part of the services that are provided by World Service Company via the Site (or any other electronic or other means of communication from World Service Company) including mobile applications, our newsletter, emails we send to you, whatever the reason, as well as the information services, the content and the transaction possibilities on the Site (including the opportunity of making a purchase).
The « Voucher » term means a Voucher, sold by intermediaries and which may be exchanged for Products at as participating Seller, subject to the conditions specified on the Coupon itself and/or on the page or pages containing the offers of the Site on which the Voucher was purchased. The « products » term means the products and/or services which are expressly described on a Voucher (and for the products and/or services on which a Voucher can be used).
11.Général Provisions
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
11.1 Interpretation : In this Contrat :
11.2 The terms « people » and « third parties » apply to natual people, partnerships, limited liabilities companies, legal people and unincorporated groups of people ;
11.3 The third parties of each Article (for example « 12. General Dispositions ») and/or subtitles (for example « Interpretation ») are provided only for your convenience. They are not an integral part of this Contract and cannot affect the slightest interpretation ;
11.4 The terms used in this Contract as « understand » and « in particular » must be understood to mean « understand without limitation » and «in particular without limitation ».
11.5 Nothing in this Contrat will be construed as creating a joint venture, partnership or principal/agent relationship between You and Us. Neither parties may grant itself the right or have the power to enter into financial commitments, incur costs or enter into any contracts or other agreements in the name of or on behalf of the other party.
11.6 Absence of other provisions : Unless expressly stated otherwise in one of the paragraphs of this Contract, all essential, secondary and other clauses, whether expressed or implied, imposed by law or otherwise, are excluded within the limits provided by the applicable legal texts.
11.7 Assignment : You are expressly prohibided to give, delegate or negociate, all or part of your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions. World Service Company has the right to assign, delegate, or subcontract to any person, all or part of its rights and obligations under this Contract.
11.8 Strengh Key : World Service Company cannot be liable for any breach of its obligations under this Contract if it is unable or unable to perform them due to an external cause beyond its control.
11.9 No waiver : No waiver by World Service Company of any alternative in the event of any breach committed by You under these provisions valid as a Contract, will be considered or interpreted as a waiver by World Service Company of a recourse in the event of a subsequent breach, of a similar or different nature. No delay or other act of tolerance or indulgence that World Service Company may grant you shall in any way modify or release you of your Responsabilities under this Contract.
11.10 Notifications : unless otherwise provided in these Contract provisions, the notifcations to be sent to either party must be in writing and delivered either personally or by email (unless it is a notification you send to us in the course of legal proceedings), by fax or by a stamped addressed envelope. Notifications intended to you will be sent to the address you gave us when you registered, and those addressed to us must be sent to our head office.
11.11 Absence of rights of third parties : By these Terms and Conditions being valid as a Contract, You acknowledge and agree that World Service Company enters into this Contract for its own benefit, but also in its capacity as an agent for the benefit and on behalf of the World Service Company group and all its content providers and third-party licensors (the « Third-Party Rights Holders »). All the rights and profits of World Service Company (excluding all charges or obligations) under or in connection with this Contract, included for indemnity, contractual or tortious, or any other reason whatsoever, will be the rights and benefits of each of the Third Party Right Holders (as if each of them were parties of this Contract). These rights and profits will be enforceable under this Contract by World Service Company on its own behalf and/or as agent for all other Third Party Right Holders.
11.12 Retention in effect : Whatever the circumstances, the provisions set out in Articles 1,3,4,7,11,12 and 13 of this Contract will remain in force after the termination of the Contract. It will be the same for all clauses whose retention in effect after expiry or termination of the Contract are expressly provided for or whose nature or context is such that these clauses are considered to remain in force after termination. If you are required, for any reason, to use the Services or Site again, the clauses provisions then in force will be those that will govern your new use of the Services or Site. If you use Vouchers purchased under this Contract, in accordance with the terms in force at the time of purchase, the terms and conditions applicable to the Vouchers will stay in effect after the termination of this Contract.
11.13 Autonomy of clauses : If one of the clauses of this contract was declared illegal, void or unenforceable, it will nevertheless be deemed to be disjointed and, as far as possible, its validy and unenforceability to the other provisions of this Contract will not be affected.
11.14 Applicable rights : This Contract (and all the non-contractual relationship between you and us) will be governed and interpretted in accordance with the Polynesian law and French Polynesia States.
10. Intellectual Property Right
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
10.1 World Service Company, grants you a limited license to access and use the Site, which is personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive and revocable, in accordance with the conditions set out in this Contract and any additional conditions and poicies defined by World Service Company LLC. All intellectual property rights (including all copyrights, services trademarks, trade-names, licenses, trademarks, domain names, social network identifiers of any kind, designs and models, submitted or not, on the Site and the Services (under the below Article 10.4), the documents, information and the content on the Site and/or which is possible to access through the Services, with no exception, any database exploited by us and all the Site conception, also all the textual and graphic element, softwares, photos, videos, music, sounds, data, software compilations, underlying source code and softwares (including applets and scripts), and all the following elements : selection, coordination, disposition and improvement, will remain our property (or our licensors). You will not be able to obtain, attempt to obtain any right whatever it is, in this property. All rights our reserved.
10.2 None of the elements that have been listed in the Article 10.1 above may be reproduced, distributed, copied, modified, published, downloaded, displayed, diffused, disseminated or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, neither sold, leased, resold, licensed, used for the creation of derivative works, or exploited in any way whatsoever before the express written permission of the World Service Company Group or the owner of the copyright has been obtained, unless otherwise provided copyright law. You will be able to retrieve and display the Site Content on a computer screen, and store this content in an electronic format (but under no circumstances on a server or any other storage device connected to a network). You may not reproduce, modify, copy, distribute, display, execute or use for commercial purposes any document, information or content appearing on the Site without our permission. If the law allows you to dowload, copy, redistribute, retransmit or publish copyrighted material, you will be required to add independent references and/or you will not be able to modify or delete any reference to the author, trademark legend or copryright endorsement. You expressly acknowledge that downloading copyrighted material does not at any time confer any ownership rights on you. If you violate or violate these restrictions and that it results in an infringement of copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights, you may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties. You are also prohibited from using content beyond the limits of what is provided for in these Terms of Agreement, or in breach of these Terms of Agreement.
10.3 World Service Company owns trademarks, both registrered and unregistered, in many countries and « WORLD SERVICE COMPANY », the World Service Company logos and variations of those currently on the Site are trademarks owned by World Service Company, Inc. or its affiliated entities and any use of such marks is for the benefit of World Service Company. « WORLD SERVICE COMPANY » is a registered trademark.
10.4 All of the titles, property rights and intellectual property rights concerning or about the content accessible via te Site and Services of the Site constitue the sole property of the Seller or the owner of the content concerned, and are likely to be protected by copyright, trademark or other applicable laws. These Terms and Conditions of Agreement do not give you any right in this content, except in connection with the licenses granted herein.
10.5 With the exception of the User Content, the authors of the literary and artistic works appearing on the pages of the Site have claimed their moral rights in order to be identified as authors of the works.
10.6 Any content you send, submit or publish on the Site (or to us by any other means) will be considered and treated by World Service Company, as non-confidential and non-exclusive, and will be subject to Article 3, regarding our obligations under the data protection regulations, including payment information you provide in order to make a payment. If, for any reason whatsoever, any or all of this provision should not be legally applicable, You grant Us a free, perpetual, and non-removable right, which may give rise to the granting of a sub-license, fully paid and transferable, non-exclusive, use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, publish, distribute, display and represent throughout the world, any content you provide to us, from any source, in any form, though any media or technology (current or future), and no grant sub-license rights to the content in question to any third party without compensation for You, for the Site and Services.
9. Link Towards and From Other WebSite.
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
9.1 From the moment where the Site contains links to third-party sites and/or resources made available by third parties (collectively referred to as « Other Sites »), you should be aware that these redirections to Other Sites are provided for information and convenience purposes only. World Service Company holds no responsability or control over the Other Sites, their content or the products they offer (including, with respect social medial sites such as Facebook) and has no control over it. However, World Service Company declines all responsability for damages or losses that may result from your use of these other Sites. It is your responsability when you access Third Party Sites linked to the Site.
8. Protection of Personal Data and Adversiting.
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
8.1 Please consult our Personal Data Protection Charter, which forms an integral part of this Contract.
8.2 For our account, a third-party advertising agency may, on our behalf broadcast any advertising and may, install or identify a unique « cookie » in your browser. If You wish to know more about this and to know the options available to you for the use of this information by any society, please consult all the elements of our Cookie Policy as well as our Privacy Policy.
7. Exclusion and Termination
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
7.1 When used, by You or any person other than you, with your permission, of the Services or the Site in violation of this Contract, we reserve the right to interrupt your use of the Services and/or Site (in whole or in part).
7.2 We reserve the rights, in the event of interruption of the Services and/or Site, to refuse the restoration of the Services or Site until we have received the guarantee from you, in a form that only us will be able to judge acceptable or not, that you will not breach the provisions of this Contract in the future.
7.3 World Service Company can if necessary, and upon a fully requisition cooperate with law enforcement, and shall comply, in a full and complete manner, to any court decision imposing to divulgate the identity or location of any person in breach of this Contract.
7.4 Without limiting the provisions of this Article 7, World Service Company shall be entitled at any time, in whole or in part, to : i) suspend the Services or Site ; ii) suspend your use of the Services and/or Site ; iii) suspend the use of the Services and/or Site by people who believe to be related to you (in any way) ; and/or iv) upon the immediate termination of this Contract.
7.5 You are committing any breach of these provisions.
7.6 World Service Company has valid reasons to think that you have committed, that you could commit or that you would commit any breach of these dispositions to the Contract.
7.7 World Service Company has valid reasons to think that you have commited or that you are committing any fraudulent act against him or to any other person.
7.8 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article 7, we may terminate this Contract at any time.
7.9 World Service Company’s right to terminate this Contract shall in no way affect any other rights or recourse available to it with respect to any breach or any rights, obligations or responsabilities existing prior to termination.
6. Services and Site Use Rules -Ventanou
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
6.1 Errors and omissions : We mat not be held responsible for any errors or omissions (for example, Vouchers posted at 5,22€ instead of 522€ !) if we have complied with all the principles set out in Article 4 of this Contract. We would use the appropriate means, as far as possible and reasonable, to correct any error or omissions as soon as possible after being informed. World Service Company reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to change, modify, replace, suspend or delete all Vouchers, Articles, Services or information on the Site or being part of the Services.
6.2 Virus and similar disagreements : World Service Company does not guarantee that the Service or Site are free of viruses or any elements that may have an adverse effect on all technology.
6.3 Interrupted access : Although we make all effort to ensure uninterrupted access to the Service and Site, it is possible that access to the Service and Site may be suspended, limited or terminated at any time. Occasionally, and particularly in order to carry out repairs, features, Your access to the Site and/or Services may also be limited. We will endeavour to restor this access as soon as possible. In addition, in the event of breach, alleged breach or proven breach of any provision of this Contract, we reserve the right, at any time and without notice, to block access to all documents and/or modify or delete all documents that, in our opinion, may give rise to a breach of these provisions.
6.4 Closing Accounts : World Service Company reserves the rights, at any time and without notice, to close one or some Accounts ;
6.4.1 If there is a non-compliance of these terms and conditions (set in the Contract), by a user, whatsoever ;
6.4.2 If any user, uses an IP Proxy (Internet Protocol Addresses) to attempt to conceal the use of multiple Accounts, or if they are lying about their place of residence, or if they disrupt the Site or the Services in any way.
6.5 Multiple Accounts : If you are a holder of several Accounts, and if we take any action against you, these may apply to all of your Accounts.
5. Your Obligtations
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
5.1 You guarantee that all information that you have provided at the time of your registration and appears on your Account throughout the terms of this Contract is sincere, accurate and complete. You undertake to inform us without delay of any change by updating the data of your Account concerned by this change.
5.2 Site Content : It is your responsability to verify that any Article, information or product available on the Site meets your specific needs.
5.3 You commit yourself not to use or allow anyone else to use the Services or Site :
5.3.1 In order to load, send or receive any documents, including some User Content which is disrespectful in nature or in bad taste.
5.3.2 In order to load, send ou receive any document, including any User Content, illegal, that is harmful, criminal, abusive, odious, theatening, racist, homophobic, pornographic, violent, infringing, misleading, extremely offencive, indecent, obscene, aggresive, blasphemous or defamatory towards physicial or juridical people who constitute contempt of court, breach of an obligation of confidentiality or infringement of the rights of others, including author rights, trademarks, manufactory secrets, licenses, personality rights, image rights or privacy rights or any other rights of third parties ;
5.3.3 To load, send or receive any document, includicng any User Content, for which you would not obtain all the licenses and/or necessary authorisations (within us or a third party) or that would contitute or encourage a behaviour that is considered as a criminal offence, that would incur civil liability, that would be contrary to law or that would infringe the rights of any third party in any country in the world ;
5.3.4 To load, send or receive any document that is technically harmful (including computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, corrupted data, malicious software, harmful data or components, or other means or thing that may interrupt, interfere with, corrupt or cause loss, degradation or limitation of the functionality of any computer software or hardware) ;
5.3.5 In order to cause discomfort, unnecessary disorder or anxyety ;
5.3.6 In order to intercept or attempt to intercept any communications transmitted by means of a telecommunications system ;
5.3.7 to obtain a diferent ending from the ones we have received or anticipated ;
5.3.8 In a fraudulent purpose ; where
5.3.9 To deliberate, in any manner whatsoever, to incite hatred against any ethnic, religious or other minority, or to prejudice anyone, group or entity.
5.4 Prohibited uses : The Site and Services uses that appears below are strictly prohibited and you engage yourself not to carry out (and not to allow anyone to perform) the below operations :
5.4.1 Resell the Services or Site ;
5.4.2 Use in a fraudulent manner the payment card numbers and provide incorrect data including false names, addresses and contact information ;
5.4.3 By accessing data that is not intended for you, attempting to bypass our security systems and network, or connecting to a server or Account that you are not authorized to access, or testing the security or other networks (for example, scanning a port- ;
5.4.4 By accessing the Services (or Site) put at your disposal, by attempting to impose or to commit any act that would cause an unreasonable or disproportionate burden on our infrastructure, or that would affect, or interfere with, its functionality, effectiveness or operation ;
5.4.5 By executing a monitoring network for the purpose of intercept data that is not intended for you ;
5.4.6 By sending unsolicited messages, including spams or any other advertising documents to people who have not expressly requested to receive such doucments. It is strictly forbidden to send mass unsolicited messages, including the mass sending of commercial advertisements, promotional or informative advertisements but also political or religious leaflets. Only people who specifically request such documents could be addressees of such documents. If an addressee manifests his intention not to receive anymore emails of this nature, you will no longer be possible to send messages of any sort to this person.
5.4.7 By creating or forwarding « chain letters » or any other « pyramid systems » of any kind, whether or not the addressees wishes to receive them.
5.4.8 By sending malicious emails, and/or by flooding a user or a site with very large or massive emails ;
5.4.9 By carrying out fraudulent acts or transactions with us, an intermediary or a Seller (including performing acts or transactions allegedly on behalf of a third party when you do not have the autorization to hire that third party or who you pass yourself off as a third party) ;
5.4.10 By using the Services or Site (or any other pertinent fonctionnality of either of them) in violation of this contract ;
5.4.11 By using a forbidden manner, or by falsifying, the information found in the email heading ;
5.4.12 By engaging in any illegal or criminal activity related to the use of the Site and/or the Services or any Voucher ;
5.4.13 By copying or using any User Content for commercial purposes, regardless of its nature.
5.5 Material : To be able to use the Site and Services, you will need Internet access and appropriate telecommunication links and/or a computer or necessary equipment to access the Site or Services. The hardware, computer, connexion or any other necessary means for You to use the Site or Service is not supported or made available by Us. We will not cover any of the costs (telephone, telecomunication, devices, or other costs you may incur.
4 . Principles and Limitations of Liability of World Service Company LLC
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
Our Principles
4.1 This Article 4 takes précedence over all other articles of this Agreement and sets out the scope of our Overall Responsability with respect to the performance, non-performance, alleged performance or any delay, whether in the performance of this Agreement, Services, Site or any purchase ( in whole or in part), or in link with the Contract, its conclusion or its execution.
4.1.1 World Service Company always tries its best and commit :
4.1.2 To act diligently and with reasonable skills at all times in the performance of any obligation under this Agreement ; and
4.1.3 Respect professionnal diligence obligations in all activities.
Our Responsabilities :
4.1.4 Our responsability will not be excluded or limited in any of the provisions of the Contract in case of (I) fraud ; (II) death or corporal prejudice due to negligence on our part ; (III) gross negligence on our part, to the exclusion of any serious fault not committed by Wolrd Service Company itself ; or (IV) any responsability that will not be excluded or limited under the applicable rights.
4.1.5 The damages categories for which we cannot be responsible : in debit of clause 4.1.3 And we provide you the Site and Services for a unique use, our responsability will not be engaged in the evnt of :
4.1.6Loss of revenue ;
4.1.7 Loss of realized or anticipated profits ;
4.1.8 Loss of businesses ;
4.1.9 Any indirect damage (with the understanding that « indirect damage » means inderect losses, whether foreseeable, known, anticipated or otherwise).
3.User-generated content
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
3.1 User generated content : The site offers to all account holders and to all visitors multiple ways to submit or publish different contents, such as reviews, comments, messages, advice, opinions, notes, discussions, answers to surveys and other communications, as well as images, photos, files, videos, audio recordings, musical works and other contents (collectively referred « User Content »). It is possible to submit or publish a User Content via forums, emails, group discussion, chats, surveys, blogs and other ways of communication liable to be opposed at any time on, via, or in link with, the Site or Services. To be able to submit some User Content, holding an Account may be required.
3.1.2 Author User Content : you declare and certify to be an author of a Content that you will publish on the e Site, or you declare and certify that you have been expressly authorized by the author to submit or publish the User Content, if you act on behalf of the author, and have all the necessary rights to grant the licences and concessions stipulated in the Terms and Conditions of Agreement in connection with this User Content. You declare and certify (or, if you act on behalf of the Author content user, you have ensured that the author declares and certifies) that the sharing of User Content, for the purpose that you aim to do, will not infringe any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property or third party rights, including image rights and privacy protection.
3.1.3 Restrictions : You are forbidden from uploading, publishing or making available on the Site, in any way whatsoever , a copyrighted content, a trademark or other property right, without the express autorisation of the legal holder, duly expressed. No formal obligation can be made to World Service Company to provide you indications, annotations or any elements that may assist or guide you in determining whether the content in question is protected by a copyright or a trademark. You are responsible for any damage resulting from any infringment of copyright, trademarks and property rights, or any other damage caused by the submission of this content. Other prohibited restrictions and activities are listed in the Article 5 below.
3.1.4 Use of User Content : User Content review, modification, publication, prohibed publication, removal and monitoring of User Content are abolute rights, but in no way an obligation for World Service Company. In addition, World Service Company has the exclusive right, but no obligation, to disclose at any time the User Content and the circumstances of its submission to any third party, for whatever reason, including to determinate if the Contract and the operating rules established by World Service Company have been complied with, as well as not to contravene the requirements of the law or regulation, or to respond to a legitimate request of the public authorities. Without limiting the foregoing, World Service Company has the right to remove any content from the Site in its sole and absolute discretion. World Service Company declines any responsability for any User Content or other information appearing on the Site or any other site, or removed from the Site or any other site. World Service Company has no obligation to use your User Content and may not use it at all.
3.1.5 User Content modification or removal : In an exceptionnal and occasionnal manner, it will be possible to modify or delete the User Content that you have submitted or published with your Account. However, World Service Company can in no way ensure you that the User Content you have modified or deleted will actually be from the Site or another site, or that this User Content will no longer appear on the Internet, in the search engines, social media sites or in any format, with any technology or any support.
3.1.6 User Content public nature : The user content is public and you acknowledge that. This User Content may be, at any time, and without your knowing, consulted (whether or not a user of the World Service Company Services). If you do not wish to make certain information public, do not include it in your User Content (personal or other data). World Service Company is not responsible for the use or disclosure of any personal data or other information that you have disclosed in connection with User Content.
3.1.7 Disclaimer: World Service Company LLC does not generat any content. All individual, You or whether a third party, author or supplier, are responsible for the Content that you publish. World Service Company cannot be held responsabile for any reason whatsoever in connection with the any User Content. If users post inaccurate, misleading or deceptive User Content, World service Company accepts no responsibility and cannot be held liable to you or any other person for any harm caused by using such User content as a reliable source of information. In no way , User Contect reflects the opinion of World Service Company International. The User Content reflects opinions of the person submitting it. No User Content is controlled or approved by World Service Company. We therefore decline all responsability in connection with your submission or use of any User Content as a relaible souce of information, and all actions result from your contribution to any part of the Site or Services, including any objectionable User Content, or your use to this User Content as a source of information considered to be relaible, and all actions arising from your contribution to any part of the Site or Services, including any objectionable User Content.
3.1.8 Concession : When you submit a User Content to World Service Company, you accept that it can be published or give you the possibility to publish this User Content with your personnal information, or a part of your personnal information, including, with no limit, your name, initials, user name, social network user account name, image, profile, preferences, vote and location. You accept that World Service Company and the World Service Compay group dispose a free right, for an undeterminate period, definitive, which may be licensed, unencumbered, non-exclusive, transferable and worldwide for the use, display, distribution, offer and sale of personal information related to your User Content, this User Content appears on its own or in the context of other arts, in any format, with any support or with any existing or subsequently developed technology, and for sub-licensing these rights through several levels of sub-licensees, all without any financial consideration for you. However, World Service Company has no obligation to use your personal information linked with any User Content.
3.1.9 Licence : You preserve all your property rights on the User Content whether you submit or publish, with your relation with World Service Company. However, when you publish some User Contents or other information on or via the Site, you automatically provide World Service Company and the World Service Company Group as a royalty-free licence, which period is undeterminated, definitive, and may be licensed, unencumbered, non-exclusive, transferable, and worldwide in respect of exploitation, reproduction, creation of derivative works, publication, modification, translation, distribution, performance, display, the transmission, offer and sale of User Content, alone or with other works, in any format, on any medium or with any existing or subequently developed technology, and for the licensing of such rights through several levels of sub-license without any financial compensation for you. You therefore waive all « moral rights » or any other rights linked with the attribution of authorship of the User Content or its integrity, which may be granted to you to be recognized by any applicable low or legal theory. The license of World Service Company and the World Service Company Group regardless of the User Content or personal information submitted, covers the use for advertising and marketing operations, promotions, market research, the return or information to the Sellers, the quality control or any other legal reason.
3.1.10 Author rights procedures : World Service Company can, at any time, remove your rights or any third party rights to use the Site if the use is to infringe the copyrights of other people. In appropriate circumstances and to its own discretion, World Service Company can, remove your rights or third party rights to access the Site, if it considers that you have, You, a third party, commited repeated offences. In the event that you believe that some contents have been published via the Site by a third party in a manner that constitues a copyright infringement and that you wish to bring these facts to the attention of World Service Company, you have the responsability to submit your complaint or to provide the World Service Company Officer, responsible for copyrights, mentionned below, the following information :
- (a) an electronic or physical signature of the person who is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the work that is protected by copyright ;
- (b) an identification of the copyright work and the location of the Site of the infringing work ;
- (c) a written statement stating that you believe in good faith that the use in confliction is not authorized by the owner, its agent or the law ;
- (d) your name and contact details (mandatory with your phone number and email address) ; as well as a statement made by you stating that all information concerning your contact information and qualifications is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are the owner of the copyright or that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright. World Service Company Agent contact details, only responsible for copyright to which you must address complaints for infringement of copyright are : World Service Company, LLC For the attention of : Christopher E-mail : Infringement reporting procedures : If you legaly hold author rights, trademarks, patents or any other intellectual property rights (« PI property rights ») or if you are an agent authorized to act on behald of the PI rights owner (« Authorized Agent ») and you believe, in good faith, that any content or products on the Site infringe these copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights of the Owner of the IP rights, and you wish to bring this to the attention of World Service Company, you can submit your complaint (here).
3.1.11 Unsolicited ideas : No consideration of unsolicited ideas on any kind, new produtcs, or improvements to products, names, marketing or advertising compaigns, technologies, plans or other promotions shall be made by World Service Company. This is understood whether such unsolicited ideas are made directly or through any employee or representative of World Service Company or World Service Company Group. Therefore, do not sent us neither to Us nor to any of our employees any ideas, suggestion, document, image or other work in any form that is unsolicited (‘Unsolicited Documents »). If you do it so, you acknowledge that the following conditions will apply, despite all comments or explanations of any kind you may have attached to this unsolicited ideas : World Service Company has no obligation to examine any unsolicited document, nor to preserve its confidentiality ; and World Service Company will be the unsolicited document owner and may use and diffuse them in any manner or for any purpose, without restriction and without any obligation of recognition or remuneration to anyone or to yourself.
2.1 Your Account And Subscription
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
2.1.1 For which reasons do we need to subscribe ? Our Site operating mode implies that, at any time, you may or may not need to register to use many of our features or to be able to access most of our Services. You must therefore register in oder to make a purchase, unless if your choice is the « guest checkout » suggested by the Site. In this case, if you choose to make a purchase by using this « guest checkout » and you are not already an account holder with us, we will create one so we can use the information you have provided to us in connection with the transaction (for example : name, address, e-mail address and other information). You will then be able to claim this Account by creating a password. It will give you simple access to print your Voucher, check your purchases, store everything, World Service Company credit in your favour and modify your preferences. However, we reserve the right to decline any new subscription or to resiliate your account at any time. Registering allows you to avoid having to enter your information every time you make a purchase.
2.1.2 How to register ? To register, click on the registration tab and follow the instructions. You just need to indicate your surname, name, postal code, email address and eventually any other personnal information.
2.1.3 Password : When you register, you will be asked to provide a password. It will be totally confidential and you will need to ensure that it is not disclosed or made vulnerable. If you notice a fraudulent use of your password, or if it is discovered and/or used by a third party without your permission, you must notify us immediately. In the same way if you notice a fraudulent use or unauthorized use of your email address, or for any security reason that you are aware of. If your password is disclosed to a third party, you must acknowledge that we will not be liable if such a third party uses our Services and/or our Site and/or makes transactions through our Services and our Site. You are responsible if you do not keep your password confidential.
2.1.4 Valid electronic addresses : Every accound must be saved with a valid personnal electronic address which you access regulary. We reserve the right to close, without prior notice, every account that has been saved with a third party electronic address or with « False » electronic addresses. If in doubt about the validity of an email address we are able to ask for a validation.
2.1.5 Emails : World Service Company may send you some administrative and promotional emails, but also information about your account activities and purchases, as well as updates concerning our Site and Services or other promotional offers. You may also be sent information about the purchases you have made. By clicking on the unsubscribe link in all our electronic correspondence, you can unsubscribe and decide to no longer receive our promotional emails.
2.1.6 Push Notifications : Promotional push notifications for deals can be sent to you on your mobile device or devices, with your consent by World Service Company, including localized deals. You can refuse these promotional push notifications at any time. All you need to do is simply change the settings of your mobile device.
General Terms of Use
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
1. Terms of Use General Information.
1.1 Who are we ?
LLC World Service Company, operator of this Site, we provide a range of services related to the Site. Our Society is registered in Delaware / Our head office is localated at Newark Delaware. Our society is registered under the following number 32646918100. In these Terms and Conditions of Use, the following terms shall be understood as follows :
-« World Service Company », « Us » or « Our » invariably refer to our company. -« World Service Company », refers to us and to all the other World Service Company societies, including our subsidaries, parent company and/or branch offices. In the event, World Service company will be able to assume all the contracts, rights, obligations and responsabilities of World Service Company under these Terms of Use, whether by novation and/or writing notification (published on this Site or communicated by other means). Accordingly, only World Service Company remains authorized and obligated hereunder and you hereby irrevocably agree to the assignment and transfer of all contrats, rights, obligations and responsabilities.
Company remains authorized and obligated hereunder and you hereby irrevocably agree to the assignment and transfer of all contrats, rights, obligations and responsabilities.
1.2 What is the nature of this document ? This document is the contract conclued between You, the Member (hereafter referred «you », « yours » or the «member »), and us. You accept the outline terms and conditions below, referred to as collectively.
1.3 What are our activities ? Our business consist of the provision of a platform (which includes this Site, mobile applications…) on which we, our affiliates societies and other intermediaries (collectively referred to as the « Intermediaries ») are required to list the Voucher proposals. As a platform provider, we help facilitate transactions for items on our platform. We cannot be considered as buyers and generally not as intermediaries either. We put at disposal intermediaries and a space that allows you to negociate and achieve transactions. Therefore, in addition to this contract, you will be submitted to other contractual links with different people when you make transactions via the Site.
1.4 What are the legal relationships ? Regardless of the Article you have acquired through the site, this Article will be subject to the Intermediary’s terms and conditions. Your sales contract will likely be concluded with another legal entity (often with a company of the World Service Company Group), World Service Company generally not being an intermediary. Please note, however, that any contract formed upon the conclusion of an item sold can only be entered between You and the Intermediary (and not with World Service Company LLC unless World Service Company is the Intermediary). The Intermediary is considered as the only responsible for the sale and must, therefore, manage all complaints or other problems from, or in relation with, the conclued contract between you and the intermediary. When you acquire a Voucher, in addition to the sales contract that links you to the Voucher intermediary, you are also contractually linked with the company supplying the products as soon as you use your Voucher for a purchase from the company (the «Seller »). Whatever the nature of the Voucher, no liability will be assumed, neither through us nor through any intermediary in connection with the contracts relating to the use of your Voucher at a Seller. Please also note that we never act as an agent of the Intermediary or the Seller.
1.5 What are our other activities ? We can provide a space to submit or diffuse User content and, as such, send you newsletters and/or other communications. For this purpose, we will need some of your information. If you want to know more about this subject, we invite you to be aware of our collection of material and data processing that are exposed in our document intitled « Personal Data Protection Charter ».
1.6 Field of use : Unless otherwise stated or authorized in writing, the Site and our Services are not intended for business and/or commercial purposes and can only be for the purpose of personnal use. The site can only be accessible via our application, web browser and mobile standards and other similar mainstream applications. Under no circumstances will it be possible to access the Site via any machine, indexing robot, offline browser, site search/retrieval application or other device, tool or manual or automatic process for retrieving, index or explore data on our site, via data recovery (scraping), indexing (spidering) or othewise. The unique exception, that stays voidable at any time for us, will apply only to operators of public search engines, authorized to use indexing robots to copy documents from the Site for the sole purpose of, and only to the extent necessary for, create indexes of these documents that are publicly available and searchable, but not to archieve such documents.
1.7 Limited Licence : Notwithstanding any other condition of the Terms of Use, you will be allowed to explore, index, display or hide the Site content for the sole purpose (i)displaying the Site as part of search engine results and (ii) optimizing (via Accelerated Mobile Pages, or otherwise) access to the site to other Site users. World Service Company reserves the rights, including author rights, under its HTML code and contents (including the optimized code for the accelerated mobile pages) and nothing in the Terms of Use constitute an express waiver or implies to the World Service Company’s rights or its capacity to respect the terms and conditions of use.
1.8 Use Restriction : World Service Company has the rights to prevent you to use every part of the Site and Services.
1.9 Definitions : Some of the terms used in the contract are precisely defined. You will be in position to identified these terms because they start with a capital letter. All definitions appears in the body of this contract or at in the end.
1.8 Ventanou Website
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
1.8.1 In the event where you breach the terms and conditions and that World Service Company does nit take legal action against you, World Service Company reserves the right not to waive its rights and remedies it could initiate an action or exercice its rights in respect of any breach by you of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
1.8.2 As stated in the Terms and Conditions, and unless otherwise stated therein, all the notifications which you may be subjected to, whatever the reason, will be in writing and will be delivered to You electronically or by post : unless, for the purposes of legal proceedings, you notify World Service Company. The contact details used by World Service Company will be the ones you have mentionned during your subcription on the website, whether it is your postal address or email address. To address a notification to World Service Company, you are asked to use the following e-mail address :
1.8.3 In the event where one or another of the dispositions set out in the Terms and Conditions should be declared invalid or inapplicable, all other remaining provisions in the Terms and Conditions cannot be automatically reported and could not be affected in any way. A provision that could become invalid or inapplicable will be replaced by another valid or applicable provision as close as possible to that intended.
1.8.4 If a disagreement related to these General Conditions should emerge, we will execute all the means at our disposal to try to resolve it amicably. Otherwise, or in addition, you have the possibility to : Go on the European online dispute resolution platform which is a dedicated platform allowing you to resolve disgreements arising on the internet without going to court, or Make direct contact with the FEVAD e-commerce mediation service (60 rue la Boétie – 75008 PARIS – or in the event of fraud linked to a country other than Europe go to the site.
1.8.5 These Terms and Conditions are subject to and/or interpreted by the French laws, notwhistanding the conflict of laws rules. Any disagreement that could not be resolved amicably and/or via the European online dispute resolution platform or the FEVAD e-commerce mediation service (E-commerce and Distance Selling Federation) will fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French Polynesia courts.
1.7. World Service obligations and responsability
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
1.7.1 As an agent, acting on their behalf and for the Seller’s account, World Service Company, undertakes only to :
1.7.2 Provide for the performance of all of its obligations in accordance with and as described in the Terms and Conditions with a reasonable degree of diligence and competence ;
1.7.3 Undertake its actions and obligations while not infringing the equity requirements and profesionnal diligence.
1.7.4 As part of the performance of its obligations, World Service Company may be held liable :
- (a) in the event of gross or intentional negligence on its part ;
- (b) in the event of fraud or any fraudulent representation of the latter ; or
- (c) if its provided for by French laws and regulations of public policy.
1.7.5 Any indirect damage related to the performance of World Service Company’s obligations cannot be attributed to World Service Company, excluding the points set out in paragraph 1.7.2 above.
1.7.6 World Service Company cannot guarantee : comprehensiveness, legality or the pertinence of the Seller’s Offer. Safety, practicality, quality, or any other aspect of the Seller’s Offer cannot engage the World Service Company responsability.
1.7.7 You, the Voucher’s holder enter into a relative contract relating to the sale or supply of a Seller Offer. The contractual relationship between You and World Service Company is independant of this contract, and can link You to World Service Company only in connection with World Service Company’s agent status, acting on their behalf and on behakf of the Seller. These terms and conditions govern this contractual relationship.
1.7.8 World Service Company can not be liable for any violation of all obligations from these terms and conditions, and this, even in the assumption where World Service Company is prevented or impited in the performance of its obligations due to unpredictable and overwhelming events caused by a third party outside its control and thus constituting a major case of force.
1.7.9 Notwithstanding the previous clauses, all public policy provisions under the French law are applied for your intention.
1.6 Seller’s Responsability
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
1.6.1 To all intents and purposes, we wish to remind you that the Seller, as defined in the actual terms and conditions is;
1.6.2 The person who sells and/or provides the Seller’s Offer ;
1.6.3 The person or entity or the party who conclued a contract with the Voucher holder relating to the sale or service supply when the Voucher is used ;
1.6.4 Only responsible to provide the Seller’s offer to the voucher holder and to execute the Seller’s Offer.
1.5 Withdrawal and refunds.
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
1.5.1 The Seller, as defined in the present Terms and Conditions, is considered fully responsible for the Offer he suggests. World Service Company cannot be held liable. However, World Service Company, acting on their behalf and for the Seller’s account, offers you the possibility of a right of withdrawal. This delay starts from the day you purchase, and is, for a duration of fourteen (14) days. Concerning the Vouchers giving entitlement to a service, the withdrawal period expires fourteen (14) days after reception of the Voucher shown in the confirmation email. Concerning the Vouchers giving the rights to a product, the withdrawal period begins on the day on which you, a third party (other than the carrier) and designated by You, physically take possession of the product. After registration of the Voucher, World Service Company, has, on their behalf and for the Seller’s account, performed the emission, the sell and transfer of the Voucher in its entirety.
1.5.2 This section is also applicable to the « Direct Order » deals.
1.5.3 Your withdrawal statement must be requested in a clear and concise manner to ensure that no ambiguity remains on your intention to withdraw. This declaration can be performed :
1.5.4 By sending an email to this address :
1.5.5 By completing and sending the available withdrawal form : - online with the following link : https://about.World -in the confirmation email that has been sent to you.
1.5.6 In connection with the use of one of the two ways of withdrawal set out in this paragraph, an email confirming receipt for withdrawal request will be sent to you as soon as possible.
1.5.7 The refund of the payments incurred by You, relevant to the purchase of a voucher or vouchers for which you are using the withdrawal period provided in the previous paragraph :1.5.6 Will be carried out by World Service Company, acting as agent for the Seller’s account,
1.5.8 Without applying any excessive delay and in a fourteen (14) day delay from the day you informed World Service Company about your withdrawal decision. 5.3.3 Without any additional costs to you as a result of this refund.
1.5.9 World Service Company reserves the right to make the refund only from when they recover the goods.
1.5.10 According to the provisions of article L. 121-21-8 of the Consumer Code, you will not be able to exercice your right of withdrawal for Vouchers :
1.5.11 Services were partially or fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and/or whose performance would have begun after You have given prior consent and expressly waived your right of withdrawal ;
1.5.12 Products have been manufactured according to customised indications or specific applications.
1.5.13 Products are liable to deteriorate or to expire easily ;
1.5.14 Products have suffered a qualitative or quantitative detorioration after delivery, and are no longer able to be consumed, used, or shipped for sanitation reasons or health protection ;
1.5.15 Products that have been mixed up after delivery and make them inseperable from the materials they have been mixed up with;
1.5.16 The contents of which are composed of computer software or audio or video recordings that would have been unsealed by You after their delivery ;
1.5.17 The contents of which are composed of newspaper articles, periodicals or magazines, except for the subscription contracts for these publications.
15.18 Contents are accomodation services, other than residential accommodation, products transport services, car rentals, catering or leisure activities, which must be provided on a specific date or period ;
1.5.19 Which consists of non provided digitals contents on a physical medium where executione began after your consent and waiver of the right of withdrawal.
1.5.20 If, before the Voucher expiry period of use, You were in the impossibility to use it, for whatever reason, you won’t be able to ask for a refund. You will then be asked to transmit to World Service Company, the elements showing your incapacity to use the Voucher. World Service Company will then consider your refund request only after a reasonable analysis of your request. Please note that the decision to refund You or not is the World Service Company’s decision only.
1.5.21 In its capacity as an agent, acting on their behalf and for the Seller’s account, World Service Company shall under no circumstances be held liable if You use your Voucher and the Seller’s offer differs from the original one provided by the Voucher. You will then need to input a claim with the Seller only. Indeed, the provision of the offer is the Seller’s responsability. The contract concluded between You and the Seller doesn’t include World Service Company which acts only acts as a thrid party relating the two parts of the contract : You and the Seller. However, if the dispute persists, World Service Company can assist you in the management of the dispute, without being asked to take a decision-making role in the resolution of the dispute.
1.5.22 All refunds will be carried out in the same way as the one you used during the purchase of the Voucher, unless you make an express request or an opposing opinion on your behalf. This last won’t cause, for You, any supplement fees. In the case that the initial payment method that you used has been cancelled, expired or changed, you are allowed to contact with the World Service Company customer support with the following address : . If the refund takes action on your original payment method and was cancelled, expired or has been changed, it will be up to you to make the appropriate arrangements with the bank or payment service provider concerned. Only one refund will be made from World Service Company.
1.5.23 From the date of the recipt of the refund, You have a thirty (30) day delay to reject it. After this time, the refund will be considered as full and will be finalized to all claims that you may raise against World Service Company (as a Seller’s agent) related to or resulting from this Voucher.
1.4 Normal use of a Voucher.
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
The use of a Voucher for use other than personal use is prohibited. The use of a Voucher for commercial use is therfore strictly prohibited. Transfer of the Voucher to another individual remains possible only of strictly personnal and non-commercial use.
1.4.2 The use of the Voucher is subject to your full responsability. The Seller and/or World Service Company cannot be liable for loss and/or theft of the Voucher. The reference numbers or the Vouchers security codes may under no circumstances be the subject for a duplicate request.
1.4.3 You are committed to the strictly exact provision of your data : name, address and any contact details or relative payment informations. You also agree not to engage in any illegal activity in connection with the purchase or use of the Voucher, neither to authorize any physical or moral third party to do so.
1.4.4 In the context of any attempt to use a Voucher that is contrary to the present terms and conditions, cancellation of the Voucher may occur.
1.4.5 It is forbidden to reproduce a Voucher.
1.4.6 The resale or the commercilisation of a Voucher, for no matter what reason is forbidden.
1. General information.
Posted: oct. 13, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
The Society World Service Company , which holds, operates and edits website – (designated in the present terms and conditions by the « Site ») suggests to their members (designated by : « You ») to be in relation with professionals or individuals (designated by : « seller(s)) who offer products and services (designated by : « Vouchers »). In general, the Site will allow you to buy some vouchers which commercialize for the sellers account, and on their behalf with the terms and conditions described below.
1.1 This document, introduces the terms and conditions of commercialized vouchers, designated in the document by : « Terms and Conditions », finds its application in the relation between You and World Service Company LLC USA, which acts on behalf and for the seller’s account, when buying a Voucher on the Site.
1.2 Wold Service Company is a society of French Polynesia low corporation, recorded in the trade register and the Frenc Polynesia Society under the following number F 22497. World Service Company Head Office is located in MOOREA. The World Service Company’s LLC email address is :
1.3 « Voucher » term is defined as : any object, whether it is physical or electronic, allowing its buyer or holder (You : voucher holder), the access or holding an offer of products or services that will be proposed by the Seller, according to the conditions and the period of use given and that appears on the Voucher under the indication : (« Period of Use »).
1.4 The Voucher introduces the offers or services provided by the Seller that must be provided by the voucher holder, as defined in the part : « Seller’s Offer » of the Voucher.
1.5 World Service Company LLC acts as an agent in the concluded transaction between You and the Seller, according to the voucher conditions. World Service Company is thus authorized by the seller to release, sell and transfer the voucher on their behalf and for their account. The Seller’s offer is neither provided neither sold by World Service Company.
1.6 The supply or/and the purchase of the Seller’s offer is a concluded contract between You and the Seller.
1.7 The actual terms and conditions have been updated the 03/03/2021. World Service Company LLC, as an agent, reserve the right at all time to notify the terms and conditions. Every modifications of the terms and conditions will be immediately put online.
1.8 The applicable terms and conditions to each transaction will be those to which You agreed to at the time of purchasing a voucher.
1.2 Purchase of a Voucher.
Posted: oct. 4, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
1.2.1 To be able to benefit a Voucher, you must be at least 18 years old at the time of transaction.
1.2.2 To be able to purchase, first you need to register with World Service Company Limited and open an account.
1.2.3 When purchasing a Voucher, you submit an offer with a World Service Company, representative, acting on their behalf and for the Seller’s account. This offer represents the purchase of a Voucher.
This purchase will only be finalised once you have received it and with an e-mail from Wold Service Company, agent, confirming the validation of your offer.
1.2.4 World Service Company is allowed to refuse your offer at any time. Furthermore, if the Wold Service Company suspects a fraud against them, a third affiliated party or the seller, whether You have committed it or You are likely to commit it, World Service Company reserves the right to cancel your purchase.
1.2.5 The Seller has the right to have its own applicable terms and conditions to the sale and/or to the supply of its offer.
1. General information.
Posted: oct. 4, 2024 in Frequently asked questions
The Society World Service Company , which holds, operates and edits website – (designated in the present terms and conditions by the « Site ») suggests to their members (designated by : « You ») to be in relation with professionals or individuals (designated by : « seller(s)) who offer products and services (designated by : « Vouchers »). In general, the Site will allow you to buy some vouchers which commercialize for the sellers account, and on their behalf with the terms and conditions described below.
1.1 This document, introduces the terms and conditions of commercialized vouchers, designated in the document by : « Terms and Conditions », finds its application in the relation between You and World Service Company, which acts on behalf and for the seller’s account, when buying a Voucher on the Site.
1.2 Wold Service Company is a society of French Polynesia low corporation, recorded in the trade register and the United States Society under the following number F22497. World Service Company Head Office is located in Moorea 98728 . The World Service Company’s email address is :
1.3 « Voucher » term is defined as : any object, whether it is physical or electronic, allowing its buyer or holder (You : voucher holder), the access or holding an offer of products or services that will be proposed by the Seller, according to the conditions and the period of use given and that appears on the Voucher under the indication : (« Period of Use »).
1.4 The Voucher introduces the offers or services provided by the Seller that must be provided by the voucher holder, as defined in the part : « Seller’s Offer » of the Voucher.
1.5 World Service Company LLC acts as an agent in the concluded transaction between You and the Seller, according to the voucher conditions. World Service Company is thus authorized by the seller to release, sell and transfer the voucher on their behalf and for their account. The Seller’s offer is neither provided neither sold by World Service Company.
1.6 The supply or/and the purchase of the Seller’s offer is a concluded contract between You and the Seller.
1.7 The actual terms and conditions have been updated the 03/03/2021. World Service Company LLC, as an agent, reserve the right at all time to notify the terms and conditions. Every modifications of the terms and conditions will be immediately put online.
1.8 The applicable terms and conditions to each transaction will be those to which You agreed to at the time of purchasing a voucher.